5 Ways to Make Drinking Water the Best Thing You Do Today

Drinking more water is one of the best things you can do for your health.  For all of you who have New Year intentions to better your health in some way, may I suggest that you start with something as easy as drinking more water. 

Water will make you feel more energized.  Help curb those hunger pains.  Deter headaches.  Make you think clearer.  Make you think smarter! You will move better, feel lighter, and you skin will glow.

But wait, there’s more!

By adding some very simple ingredients to your glass of water/hot cup of water, you will up the ante on the benefits of water.  In other words, more energy, less hunger/cravings, higher levels of strategic and creative thinking – better digestion, healthier feeling and looking – I could go on and on.

Here are five additions to your water you should consider trying today:

  1. Lemon.  The list of the health benefits of adding lemon to your water are long.  From better digestion (citric acid) to increasing liver function and detoxification (enzyme production), a squeeze of lemon does it all.  Increase your metabolism, help keep you clean through enabling your ‘morning routine’, make your skin glow – I’m not sure there is anything NOT good about adding lemon to your water.  Put a squeeze of lemon in a cup of warm/hot water in the morning and drink it down first thing for greatest benefit to your body – but don’t hesitate to add a slice to your water during the day for a freshen up.
  2. Ginger.  Ginger is a natural energizer which, when immersed in a warm/hot cup of water, delivers energy directly to your cells.  Yes, your cells.  This means energy in the building blocks of your body – which means energy from the inside out!  The potassium/magnesium in the ginger help to facilitate cellular energy, and also help your cardiovascular system.  Oh yeah, it also aids digestion.  I promise you – an afternoon cup of ginger tea and you may rethink your caffeine dependence.  Best approach is to cut fresh ginger root into small coins and put a few in a cup of hot water, but getting a good ginger tea at the store will also work.
  3. Cucumber.  I know you have been at meetings where there have been cucumber slices in that big water dispenser on the food table.  Or maybe at the spa or health club you’ve been to recently.  Have you every wondered why?  Cucumbers are great for lowering your blood pressure (potassium), combating inflammation (fisetin), and because cucumbers are high on the alkaline scale, they help keep the ph balance of your body balanced.  Why is that important?  This explains why way better than I ever could.  https://draxe.com/balancing-act-why-ph-is-crucial-to-health/
  4. Mint.  Mint is amazing for digestion support, staving off headaches, energizing your body, and when you are done with that, cleansing your palate.  A few mint leaves in your water (maybe in addition to ginger or cucumber) may be a nice treat on a day when you are feeling a bit under the weather.  Or, crush them a little and add some hot water for a wonderful after dinner drink.  They may even help relax your body before bed.  Put a few peppermint tea bags in your suitcase and treat yourself to a cup after a long trip.
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).  This is not for the weak!  You may count yourself as a hard core pursuer of health when you start adding a spoonful of ACV to your morning glass/cup of water.  While the taste may be of issue, the health benefits are no joke.  There are multiple benefits (https://www.davidwolfe.com/1-tbsp-acv-eliminate-health-problems/), but the one I love most is the that the antibiotic properties do amazing things with the acid levels in your stomach – aiding digestion, reducing heartburn, increasing nutrient absorption and supporting weight loss. 

Oh yes – and every idea listed above adds flavor to your water!  With the exception of the ACV (which certainly adds flavor – of a different sort), adding lemon, ginger, cucumber and/or mint to your water will keep water drinking, which can get somewhat flavor boring, interesting and fun.

Creating healthy habits for the long term start with taking a very easy action, add a dash of new fun ideas, and feeling the positive results.

As easy as a slice of lemon.

If You Do Nothing Else …

Try one of the ideas above in your next glass of water / cup of hot water.  Just pick one.  Try it out.  See what you think.  You never know until you try! 

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