How To Treat Your Exhaustion

I’m exhausted.

In the past two weeks I have on-boarded a new corporate client, had dental reconstructive surgery, watched as our COVID-19 cases escalated in Maine and the country, had our condo painted, had backsplash put in our kitchen, hit a personal best on both my deadlifts and chest presses at the gym and…oh yeah….

Lived through the most highly energized and stressful election for the President of the United States.

If your list of accomplishments over the past week looks anything like mine – I feel your exhaustion!

I am not complaining about all that was on my plate – in fact, I am celebrating everything except the COVID situation. I got a lot done. I made headway on my business, my home and my health. I stayed relatively sane through a stressful election. I feel really good about everything!

But that doesn’t mean I’m not exhausted!

I believe that a lot of the time, exhaustion gets a bad rap. We apologize for being tired. We worry that we sound like we are complaining. We push our bodies harder at risk of looking ‘soft’. We feel like we should be doing more (there is that awful word ‘should’ – remember what I have said about having the ‘shouldas‘). We compare ourselves to what others are accomplishing.

But let me tell you – there is no shame in being all out balls to the wall tired! In fact, the sooner you recognize exhaustion the better. Why?

Because then you can do something to remedy your situation, reset yourself, and move on to bigger items! You can release your stress. You can rest your body. You can reset your attitude. You can enjoy the fruits of your labor. You will perform better at work. You will be a better Mom/Dad/Son/Daughter/Aunt/Uncle/Sister/Son/Friend/Partner….whatever you are, you will be better after you’ve acknowledged that you are exhausted and need a break!

So for all of you who are exhausted for whatever reason(s), here are some quick things you can do to get yourself back up and running!

First, Admit You Are Exhausted!

As noted before, just admitting that you are tired, you need a break, things have been busy, you are overly stressed will make you feel better!

Do not fear judgement. Do not push too hard. Do not think you are weak. Do not ask too much of yourself!

Admit that you are human. Admit that you need life to stop for a moment while you take a nap. Admit that a few hours of down time will fuel your body and mind for the next few weeks of uptime.

Say it out-loud! I AM EXHAUSTED!

Now, do something about it.

Then, Find What Restores You

A nap? A weekend of sleep? A good book? Binge watching your favorite show? A massage? Listen to your favorite music at top volume? Shop?

You have permission to do whatever activity restores you. You have permission to enjoy that activity without guilt. You have permission to take time out of your busy schedule to regroup.

Taking the time we need to restore ourselves from empty to full will make a big difference in how you are able to continue forward. You can’t run a car on an empty fuel tank. Why do you think you could run your body/mind on empty energy tanks?

Lastly, Support Your Health

You know I’m a broken record on these basic health supporting activities, but they are the best things you can do for your performance, your energy levels, your mood and your ability to rebound from exhaustion! Do them! (and I’ve included some blogs with further details if you are interested)

The world will still be turning after you take a moment out to recharge from your exhaustion. I promise.

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