Hi! I’m Gayle and hubby is Richard (aka Rich or Rj). We are a team in work, life and love.
We are in our early 50s and living our ‘second’ lives. Actually, I take that back – we are simply living the lives we want to live, and things evolve every day. Second lives, third lives, who knows – technically we only have one.
Our short story – we quit our big deal corporate jobs at the height of our careers about 6 years ago. Why? Because life was passing us by too quickly and hey, you only live once. So we packed things up, sold things off, and started our own businesses.
Rj (you’ll see his name as Richard and Rich, but those in our inner circle call him Rj – so that now includes you) started a photography business.
Check him out! richard gayle photography
The original idea was to do architectural photography, but a trip to Kauai (a two month intention that ended up house sitting a mansion for close to two years) brought him success with landscape photography (his real love).
So now we travel around the country five months out of the year and do art shows! He’s won awards, decorated office spaces, contributed to magazines and amassed collectors. And that’s just in the past four years!
Me? I am Rj’s business manager, a certified Thrive Global corporate facilitator and Executive Coach and a life and health coach to individual clients.
But most of all, I love to write about what we’ve learned about designing the life of our dreams on this site. From our health routines to working together as a team (which I promise you is MUCH different than working a corporate job), there is so much we do to keep our lives heading in the direction we desire.
So join us on this ride! The more people we can convince to make their own choices, the closer we can all get to making our lives exactly what we want them to be. Let’s start a ‘live your best life’ movement!
A few more fun facts about us that you might enjoy:
- We are high school sweethearts – I won’t do the math for you, but suffice to say we’ve been together over 65% of our lives.
- We quit our jobs back in 2003 to backpack around the world for a year. 364 days, 2 backpacks, 1 priceless life experience
- We live in Portland, Maine in a 1200 square foot condo in the West End. 1200 square feet is pretty small, fyi.
- We have no kids and no pets – we have enough trouble keeping ourselves alive, we can’t imagine having to keep other things alive. We do have two plants – both of whom have survived a full year with us, so cross your fingers
- We love eating good food, drinking good wine/beer/fun drinks, traveling and sleeping. And Marvel movies.
And most of all, we love to prove to ourselves that what we want is truly possible.